Wednesday, November 3, 2010

FREE Boots

Do you need a pair of free, stylish boots for this winter?? I just couldn't pass up informing you of a great deal going on by UGG boots...Sign up to receive their newsletter here and be entered to win a free pair of Whooga boots by UGG!!
"What exactly are Whooga boots by UGG?" you ask. This is a mini description taken directly from their website:
"What are Whooga ugg boots?
Whooga is widely recognised as the world’s fastest growing boutique brand of ugg boots. We stand proud as an alternative brand for chilli toes seeking something a little warmer than normal. We achieve this legendary warmth and comfort with Thermofleece which offers a number of benefits over traditional ugg boots.
- Whooga is an internationally trademarked brand
- The fastest growing winter footwear brand for the past 4 years
- A passion for fashion and creating the worlds warmest boots
- We warm ten's of thousands of toes every single day"
This new gold color is my favorite.
If you like free click here to sign up for their newsletter and be in the drawing this month!! Let me know if you win!!! :)

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