Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My New Favorite Motivational Quote

I was listening to Dave Ramsey for about 3 minutes in the car today and the one thing I heard him say was,
"Adults devise a plan and follow it. Children do what feels good."

I love that. You could apply that to work, your eating/working out goals, your spiritual life, your home, raising children, your marriage, etc. I even think it should be,

"Mature people devises a plan and follow it. Immature people just do what feels good at the moment."

That is so true. I ask myself, "Tracy, do you want to be mature or immature? Do you want to stay in bed and listen to your feelings or get up and work out? Do you want to stay connected with the Lord? So, follow your plan and meet with Him. Don't let your child (immature) self take over and get what it wants. Do I want my room to be a mess or should I follow the plan like a mature adult and hang up the clothes I decided not to wear? Should I eat the rest of the bag of M&M's or say I am done with my sweets for the day? Should I spend money that I don't have? Do I want a great marriage?" Oh, the list could go on!!


Maturity takes work. Immaturity is the easy was out. What will you do today to choose maturity? To follow your plan?