Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 Workout Motivation

Okay, I don't know about you, but when I am on the treadmill my brain tells me things like, "You are going to DIE!" "You cannot make it!" "Stop NOW, you cannot go another step!!!" Do you all feel like this? I have found it helpful to have distractions - pictures, verses, very loud music on my ipod - to motivate me to keep going.

I also need new contests, programs or ideas to keep motivated. This year my sister-in-law and I are having a 12 week contest. I won't give you the details but I have my workouts planned -thanks to my personal trainer brother-in-law. Now it is just making sure I do those workouts!

As some of you may know my motto for 2010 is...
live Simple. dream BIG.
This week I spent some time enhancing (I had a few things up from last year) my motivation! I wanted to share this picture with you all!

I love it! The first thing I see is my motto which starts my mind to thinking, dreaming, planning... When my brain is telling me to quit I look at the two girls running and my "brain talk" changes! It says, "They are doing it, so can you!" "She is going up that mountain, look how beautiful it is." "Look at their muscles!" When I get bored I read my verse for the year and recommit to it in every area of my life.

It is nothing fancy - just a simple, unpainted cement wall! But, it works! Please share what motivates you!