Friday, May 8, 2009

What does being "organized" mean?

Barbara Hemphill, CPO® (Certified Professional Organizer), “America’s Favorite Organizer”and owner of The Paper Tiger Productivity Institute, defines organization by asking the following 4 questions:
  1. Does it work?
  2. Do you like it?
  3. Does it work for other people?
  4. Can you recover quickly from inevitable disorganization? (Life happens, we are busy, things get messy...but can you recover quickly?)
Isn't that great!? Ask yourselves those questions in regard to your home...or your office...or your business.

Here is a picture of Barabara (who has been organizing for 30 years!!) and I at the 2009 National Association of Professional Organizer's conference in Orlando, Florida.

Inspiration and information!

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