Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pantry Organization

Sometimes all you need is a fresh perspective and a new set of eyes! My client is known by her friends and in her neighborhood as one of the most organized people they know!! But she was "stuck" on her pantry. She called and asked if I could help.

One key thing that she said to me was that the set of shelves as you enter the pantry were specifically made for and called "can" shelves. The only problem was that you couldn't stack two standard size cans and space was being wasted when only one can was placed there! We all do this. We think that because we have always put sheets in a linen closet that sheets have to go in a linen closet. Another client's house didn't have a linen closet so we hung her sheets up on hangers in the spare bedroom closet!! It worked! So, think outside the box. Have a friend come and think along side you!

BEFORE...the shelves made for cans had to house cans, right?
Also, focus on trying to make your space as beautiful as you can when you first walk in or open the door. I wanted those "can" shelves to be uniform, neat, and appealing to the eye. We used all clear plastic bins to do this and labeled them. We used one shelf  for sauces and we reduced her cookbooks slightly so they could all fit neatly on two shelves! That is the first thing she sees now when she opens the door!

AFTER: Labeled, clear plastic bins, neatly stacked cookbooks...appealing to the eye AND useful!
Next, most pantries have boxes and cans. Free tip: Put all boxes on one shelf and all cans on another. Within those two category you can arrange more specifically. For example, group all breakfast items together, pasta items together, etc. 

BEFORE: A little confusing even though everything is labeled and lots of containers are used.
AFTER: Boxes together, cans together, breakfast together = appealing to the eye AND easy to put things away!
Finally, use square baskets in pantries to house like items - chips, pasta bags, rice, snacks, etc. They are beautiful the shelf. If you housed baking supplies in one you could just pull it out when baking and have everything at your fingertips!

Good, quality BASKETS that won't snag are a useful addition to house like items. These are from Bed, Bath and Beyond.

Share your favorite tips for organizing your pantry!

Paper, Paper, EVERYWHERE!

Cute & classy organizing products can aid us in our 5th step of organizing (read about the 5 steps here and here) - Maintain. Below are two pictures of a portable action file that I made. The purpose of the action file is to temporarily house paper coming into your home. Every piece of paper coming in should have a place to go. It could be recycled, thrown out, filed, returned immediately to a backpack or your car for delivery OR housed in your action file.

Creating an action file is easy. This is a service I offer and is very customizable to meet your needs. You can also make one on your own. This action file is housed in a DiVoga Desktop File Bin from Office Max(only in stores). It is made of a clear, hard plastic so that you can purchase any decorative file folder to match your decor, slide a file folder in the front and back and, "Wahhh La", you have made it cute & classy or fun & colorful or simple & satisfying, whatever your taste.

Then, as you sort through your piles of paper see what kind of compartments (files with tabs) you need. In the photo you can see some basic examples people might use. The key is to remember that this is a temporary holding spot - not meant for permanent papers that need to be archived. Enjoy making your portable action file (and of course, send me a photo)!

Go through one stack of papers today and get them put away! Let me know how it goes! Happy Wednesday!