“To achieve something you have never achieved before you must become someone you have never been.” —Les BrownHere is an example of a goal and then asking the question, "Who do I need to become to reach that goal?" Darren uses this example on his blog. I highly recommend you click over to read the entire post! He says,
"Let me give you another example to bring this home for you. Let’s say your goal is to earn another $100,000 this year. Now we need to ask the question, ‘Who do you need to become to be an extra $100,000 valuable?’ Your answer might contain some attributes—stated in the positive, “I am”—such as:
- I am a disciplined master of time efficiency.
- I focus solely on high-payoff and high-productivity actions.
- I wake up an hour earlier and review my priority objectives each morning.
- I fuel my body properly and exercise four days a week so I am energetic and highly effective each work hour.
- I feed my mind ideas and inspiration that will support and bolster my passion.
- I surround myself with peers and mentors who elevate my expectations and prod me to rise to greater levels of discipline, commitment and achievement.
- I am a smart, confident and effective leader. I seek and cultivate the strength and greatness in everyone around me.
- I deliver excellence to my clients and continually find ways to ‘wow’ them, encouraging repeat transactions and abundant referrals.
Before you can have, you must do. And before you can do, you must become."
Very interesting, eh? It makes me think about my goals and what I need to 'become' to reach them and be the best person I can be. And, it is not all about money. Darren is big on life balance. Goals should be balanced around work, family, your calling, mental, spiritual, etc.What are some of your goals? Has this helped you think about how you will achieve them - who you will 'become'?