Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Parking in the Garage

The cold weather is coming!! One thing I am thankful for and love is going straight from my warm house to my car without stepping outside and without scraping the frost off the windshield!! But, for those of you whose garages serve as storage areas for excess stuff instead of a place to park your car, you may not have this luxury.

This was the case for a recent client. BUT, she decided to change that! She decided to have a party instead. She invited two of her wonderful, servant friends to help her and I clear out her garage. The weekend prior she and her husband did some preliminary work. They got rid of 15 bags of trash and had a general idea of what to keep and what to get rid of.

As you can see she hadn't parked in her garage for some time!!

The party started at 1:00!! Her and I started clearing things out of the garage and hauling things to the curb for a scheduled big trash pick up the next day. The first friend showed up at 1:30 and joined in. By 2:15 we had the garage cleared out, swept clean and ready to do the real organizing.

Remember, the first step is to plan. We talked through our zones and planned out the best locations for each. The second friend showed up just in time for the second step - sorting!! We sorted, went through each pile, contained, labeled, wrote a list of extra supplies she needed to purchase and hand-drew a picture for the tool zone and storage wall which will be finished at a later time.
Now, catch 3:30 we were done!! Here is the picture I took at 3:30!
And here is the curb!
Aahhhhh, the freedom and "weight" that is gone when you simplify the stuff you own.
Some people may be groaning or getting hives just thinking about their own garages (or other problem areas) but DO NOT FEAR! Those of us, like me, who love to organize get a contagious, exhilarating feeling knowing what possibilities and amazing results can be achieved!! We can even have FUN! And we can help you have fun! Have a party with your friends! Give it a try!