Sunday, March 21, 2010

Organizing...Creating an Environment of Support

In response to my previous post - our GO Month project - Ray Smith, National Director of Finance and Administration of the Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation, said,

"We are so thankful for the help we received in organizing our kitchen and storage areas after our recent move. In our old space, we had one large storage area, and everything just got stored wherever there was an open space for it. Now we have segmented areas for certain items and departments – and the organizers developed a labeling system that will help us to keep things where they belong. It is going to be so much easier to find what we need, to know when items need to be re-stocked, and to purge items we are no longer using."

Organizing is meant to create an environment that supports your work and your life. This project will support the work that the Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation is doing. That is what it is all about!!

What in your work or in your life needs the support that organization can bring?