Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ideas for Trophies and Ribbons

Receiving ribbons and trophies are a huge confidence booster for children.
But what do you do with them all???
Here is an idea for displaying your child's plaques, ribbons, medals and trophies!!

Remove your curtain and tie a string or wire across the window. Get it as tight as you can. Here we tied it in between the shelf supports but you could use a screw or nail on each end of the window. Then loop all the ribbons through their own strings around the wire. We hung medals on the ends of the shelf, hung plaques on the wall and put trophies on the shelf to make a complete "Award Display."

Another idea is to center the display around a bulletin board or shelving.

Have fun with it. Be creative. Let your kids give you their ideas. Send me pictures of your creative displays.