First, are the Drawer Dividers. They are spring loaded and you insert them in your drawers to separate your clothes. They come in a wood look also. My girls and I love them. Try them in your sock and undergarment drawer!
Second, if you have a small closet rod OR lots of clothes try adding an additional Double Hang Clothes Rod below your current one! Especially with kids clothing this product works great and even allows a younger child to reach their own clothes!
The third product is the Over-the-Door Shoe Hanger! Behind the door is a space that is often forgotten. In the after picture below we used it for hats and other miscellaneous things in addition to the shoes!
Also, notice the shirts folded once and stacked on the closet shelf. If there is not enough closet space to hang all the little shirts try folding them and stacking them on a shelf. This way you can see each shirt AND you only have to fold them once - in half!! In a drawer you can only see the top shirt! So, here are three product ideas with the links to where I found them. Now you are ready to start organizing your bedrooms! Be inspired!