NAPO (the National Association of Professional Organizer) defines a professional organizer as one who "enhances the lives of clients by designing systems and processes using organizing principles and by transferring organizing skills. A professional organizer also educates the public on organizing solutions and the resulting benefits."
People need professional organizers for various reasons. Here are some of them...
- They are wanting or needing to downsize
- They are overwhelmed with their "stuff" and don't know how or where to begin
- They are frustrated that they waste so much TIME looking for things and straightening "the piles"
- They are busy and don't have the time to devote to organizing
- They are not gifted in that area and want someone experienced and trained to help them
- A situation (new baby, move, growth of business, death of loved ones) has caused them to become disorganized and they need guidance
- They are ready to live a simpler life
- They want to become more productive
An organizer can help you in many ways. I have found that first of all it helps that they schedule time to devote to this task. Second, you have an experienced professional that listens to how you think and what you need to be more efficient and plans out how to make that happen. Third, they motivate you, give you hope and even have fun in the process. They also transfer skills - teaching you the steps to organize. And, they are your support team and your resource for products and ideas to keep you organized and living a simpler life!
Professional Organizers are more needed and more valuable as people get more stuff and more busy!