Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Becoming... In Order To Reach Your Goals

I am going through Darren Hardy's The Best 10 Years material and am learning sooo much. I would recommend that everyone go through it! Last week he talked about goals. I have gained a new perspective! This quote summarizes what I am learning...
“To achieve something you have never achieved before you must become someone you have never been.” —Les Brown
Here is an example of a goal and then asking the question, "Who do I need to become to reach that goal?" Darren uses this example on his blog. I highly recommend you click over to read the entire post! He says,

"Let me give you another example to bring this home for you. Let’s say your goal is to earn another $100,000 this year. Now we need to ask the question, ‘Who do you need to become to be an extra $100,000 valuable?’ Your answer might contain some attributes—stated in the positive, “I am”—such as:
  • I am a disciplined master of time efficiency.
  • I focus solely on high-payoff and high-productivity actions.
  • I wake up an hour earlier and review my priority objectives each morning.
  • I fuel my body properly and exercise four days a week so I am energetic and highly effective each work hour.
  • I feed my mind ideas and inspiration that will support and bolster my passion.
  • I surround myself with peers and mentors who elevate my expectations and prod me to rise to greater levels of discipline, commitment and achievement.
  • I am a smart, confident and effective leader. I seek and cultivate the strength and greatness in everyone around me.
  • I deliver excellence to my clients and continually find ways to ‘wow’ them, encouraging repeat transactions and abundant referrals.

Before you can have, you must do. And before you can do, you must become."

Very interesting, eh? It makes me think about my goals and what I need to 'become' to reach them and be the best person I can be. And, it is not all about money. Darren is big on life balance. Goals should be balanced around work, family, your calling, mental, spiritual, etc.

What are some of your goals? Has this helped you think about how you will achieve them - who you will 'become'?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

GO Month Project: Organizing the PKD Foundations' New Office Space

January is NAPO's National Get Organized (GO) Month. It is a time for professional organizers around the world to give back to their community and educate the public about what we do and how it can be of help.

The professional organizers in Kansas City are giving back to our community by helping the Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation. The PKD Foundation is the only organization, worldwide, dedicated to fighting polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The mission of the PKD Foundation is to: "Promote programs of research, advocacy, education, support and awareness in order to discover treatments and a cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease and improve the lives of all it affects."

We will be organizing their mail and storage rooms when they move into their new office space. Since their move doesn't take place until the end of February our GO Month project will not be finished until then. We didn't want to miss this opportunity to give the PKD staff a fresh, organized and productive start in their new offices.

Yesterday, three other organizers and I toured the PKD's national headquarters' current office space and then traveled to their new office space. We compared and planned how they could fit their current inventory into the new space to create optimal productivity, be visually appealing AND be easy to maintain.

Ray Smith, the National Director of Finance and Administration, commented, "The timing could not have been more perfect...Before construction begins on the new space we now have a plan to best organize our storage and mail room supplies AND a list of things to do to get ready for the move! Thank you!"

Be looking for the before and after photos in early March when the project is complete!

I am the Winner of the NEW $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook

Is there anything better than finding out you WON something?! I sat down this afternoon to check my email and read that I had won the brand new $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook! Laura, over at I'm an Organizing Junkie, has wonderful giveaways and product reviews along with her very informative blog that I subscribe to and love to read. I sign up for as many of the giveaways as I have time for and I have WON a very exciting prize.

Erin Chase, the $5 Mom, has a wonderful story. Visit her blog and read about her and her talents! Her website has TONS of deals that she finds out about and shares with her readers. She gives the links to print coupons or sign up for these deals. It is amazing. She has just published her cookbook where every meal in it she has made for $5! I cannot wait to see it, learn from it and cook from it. I spend way too much money on groceries and am not a coupon/deal queen. Since I do cook most of our meals from scratch though I am very excited to learn some new tips and recipes! Thanks, Erin and Laura!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

FREE Program To Learn How To Achieve Lifelong Goals

I have just been introduced by Laura, over at I'm An Organizing Junkie, about a FREE program that started January 5th (but you can still join in). It is being given by Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine. The program is called Designing the Best 10 Years of Your Life: Your Personal Strategic Plan for Achieving Lifelong Goals. Click here to visit his site and watch an 8 minutes video from Darren himself explaining exactly what he is doing in this one-time-only-FREE event. To register you will need to enter your email address in the right column on his site.

What a better time than NOW to strategically plan and learn how to achieve your goals. Darren does explain that he learned this skill when he was 18! Please feel free to forward this to friends, family or colleges so they, too, can join in. Lets do it together!

I love in the video when he says that the motivation and commitment we have when we sign up will disappear in a couple of weeks (isn't that the truth!) BUT that is when we need to push ourselves and keep going, completing the process! I will keep you posted on my progress. Keep me posted on yours!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 Workout Motivation

Okay, I don't know about you, but when I am on the treadmill my brain tells me things like, "You are going to DIE!" "You cannot make it!" "Stop NOW, you cannot go another step!!!" Do you all feel like this? I have found it helpful to have distractions - pictures, verses, very loud music on my ipod - to motivate me to keep going.

I also need new contests, programs or ideas to keep motivated. This year my sister-in-law and I are having a 12 week contest. I won't give you the details but I have my workouts planned -thanks to my personal trainer brother-in-law. Now it is just making sure I do those workouts!

As some of you may know my motto for 2010 is...
live Simple. dream BIG.
This week I spent some time enhancing (I had a few things up from last year) my motivation! I wanted to share this picture with you all!

I love it! The first thing I see is my motto which starts my mind to thinking, dreaming, planning... When my brain is telling me to quit I look at the two girls running and my "brain talk" changes! It says, "They are doing it, so can you!" "She is going up that mountain, look how beautiful it is." "Look at their muscles!" When I get bored I read my verse for the year and recommit to it in every area of my life.

It is nothing fancy - just a simple, unpainted cement wall! But, it works! Please share what motivates you!