"Tammy" had a baby AND moved with her husband across the country to an area where she had little extended family support. Then she had another baby and moved again... Her home was not the first priority and being a perfectionist and struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder she just couldn't keep up. Then she had her third child. She finally, after working through the anxiety of letting someone come into her home, let me help.
In this post I will feature the "dining room." This room was being used for miscellaneous storage and had never gotten unpacked and therefore was not being used. She desired for this to be her children's playroom. She envisioned crafts, games, a cozy television area, a table to create things, etc. After talking with her about her dreams for this area we created three zones: crafts, electronics, and games. Simple, huh??
Now we have a plan. Remember that is the first step. Next, we started sorting. No decisions yet, just sorting. Of course, I am always forgetting to take before pictures so here is a mid-way-through-the-sorting picture:
After sorting, we went pile by pile. We donated some things, moved some things to other areas of the home - some for permanent storage and some to go through at a later date, we recycled, and sent some things to the trash bin.
Now that the room is finished there is nothing in the room that doesn't fit into one of the three zones. The electronic zone has a cozy couch, a television, and a television stand that also stores the children's music. The game zone has two shelving units that hold all of their games. There is a table that can be folded down or kept up for games, crafts, homework, etc.
And the best part...this awesome craft armoire!! They had this beautiful armoire in their garage not being used. Her husband added a shelf and we measured out the space to purchase clear storage for all of the craft mediums. The kids were so excited about their new room that they spent several days "crafting." They can clean up, too, because everything has a home!
What areas are unused in your home? Or filled with clutter or unpacked boxes? What are the possibilities? Don't be ashamed. Focus on the small steps that lead to the end result!! Dream big and then lets get it accomplished so you and the people around you can live a full, abundant life!!